
If you would like to sponsor this community service including prizes for highest ranked artifacts and supporting open-source technology for collaborative, customizable and reproducible experimentation, please get in touch with the AE steering committee!
Important dates:
Paper decision: 30 June 2016
Artifact submission: 11 July 2016 (AoE)
Technical clarification: 1-3 August 2016
Decision announced: 8 August 2016
Final paper: 11 August 2016
AE award: 14 September 2016

PACT AE Chairs:
Zheng Wang (Lancaster University, UK)
Hugh Leather (University of Edinburgh, UK)

Grigori Fursin, Bruce Childers

Artifact Evaluation for PACT 2016

[ Back to PACT 2016 conference website ]

Artifact evaluation is finished - see accepted artifacts here !

Authors of accepted PACT 2016 papers are invited to formally submit their supporting materials to the Artifact Evaluation process. The Artifact Evaluation process is run by a separate committee whose task is to reproduce (at least some) experiments and assess how the artifacts support the work described in the papers. This submission is voluntary and will not influence the final decision regarding the papers.

Papers that successfully go through the Artifact Evaluation process will receive a seal of approval printed on the papers themselves. Authors of such papers will have an option to include their Artifact Appendix to the final paper (up to 2 pages). Authors are also encouraged (though not obliged) to make these materials publicly available upon publication of the proceedings, by including them as "source materials" in the Digital Library. The authors of the highest ranked artifact will also receive a special prize!

If you have any questions, please check AE FAQs and do not hesitate to contact AE chairs!

How to submit

Please prepare your artifacts for submission using the following guide. Then, register your submission at the EasyChair website - you will be asked to submit your paper title, author list, artifact abstract, pdf of your paper with an appendix describing how to access and validate your artifacts, and possible conflicts of interests with AE members.

Reviewing process

Your artifacts will be reviewed according to the following guidelines. Artifacts receiving "met expectations" or above score will pass evaluation and will receive a stamp of approval.


We consider Artifact Evaluation as a continuous learning curve - our eventual goal is to develop a common methodology for experiment sharing and evaluation in computer system's research. Therefore, if you have questions, comments and suggestions on how to improve artifact submission, reviewing, customization and reuse, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the AE steering committee!