RR (Mozilla project: records nondeterministic executions and debugs them deterministically)
CDE tool (automatically create portable Linux applications with all dependencies)
IPython Notebook (a web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine code execution, text, mathematics, plots and rich media into a single document)
R-studio (Open source and enterprise-ready professional software for R)
Codelab (an experimental platform for collaboration and competition)
Grid5000 large-scale and versatile testbed for experiment-driven research in all areas of computer science, with a focus on parallel and distributed computing including Cloud, HPC and Big Data
BOINC (open-source software for volunteer computing and grid computing)
NGS pipelines (integrates pipelines and user interfaces to help biologists to analyse data outputed from biological applications such as RNAseq, sRNAseq, ChipSeq, BS-seq)
Skoll (A process & Infrastructure for Distributed, continuous Quality assurance)
Burrito (Rethinking the Electronic Lab Notebook) open source cTuning technology (crowdsource auto-tuning and combine with machine learning using big data, predictive analytics and crowdsourcing) (2006-cur.)
Collective Mind technology (towards collaborative, systematic and reproducible computer engineering using big data, predictive analytics and collective intelligence) (2011-2014)
OCCAM project - open curation for computer architecture modeling
Org mode - keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system