Publication from ADAPT'14 workshop.
Notes on reproducibility:
Roofline-aware DVFS for GPUs
Date: 16-Oct-2013
Author: Cedric Nugteren (
Description: This repository is an online appendix to the
scientific article "Roofline-aware DVFS for GPUs"
Three types of CUDA benchmarks are tested:
* Benchmarks from PolyBench/GPU
* Benchmarks from Parboil (requires Parboil datasets
to be installed in ~/software/parboil-2.5/datasets/)
* Two artificial micro-benchmarks
Experimental setup
GPGPU-Sim version 3.2.1 + GPUWattch
(commit 72aaaf6b11b38121d946469f26d85315ff794f29)
Configuration for GPGPU-Sim
* Clock frequencies:
-gpgpu_clock_domains XXX:YYY:XXX:ZZZ
XXX is the halved core frequency (600-500-400-300).
YYY is the full core frequency (1200-1000-800-600).
ZZZ is the memory frequency (900-750-600-450).
* DRAM latencies:
-dram_latency XXX
XXX is the DRAM latency is core clock cycles, reduced
when scaling the core frequency to keep the latency
(in seconds) constant (100-83-76-50).
Configuration for GPUWattch
* Memory configuration:
<param name="mc_clock" value="XXX"/>
<param name="peak_transfer_rate" value="YYY"/>
XXX is the doubled memory clock or the halved effective
clock (1800-1500-1200-900). YYY is the bandwidth per
memory controller (28800-24000-19200-14400).
* Clock frequencies:
<param name="target_core_clockrate" value="XXX"/>
<param name="clockrate" value="XXX"/>
<param name="NOC_A" value="XXX" />
XXX is either the halved or full core clock frequency
in various places in the configuration settings.
* Memory power parameters:
<param name="MEM_RD" value="XXX" />
<param name="MEM_WR" value="YYY" />
<param name="MEM_PRE" value="ZZZ" />
XXX, YYY, and ZZZ are scaled with the core clock rate
to obtain correct memory power characteristics. This
has been acknowledge to be a bug in the simulator and
will be repaired in the next version.
Contents of the repository
* *benchmark_code*
Folder containing CUDA source code made suitable for
the GPGPU-Sim simulator.
* *configurations*
All the GPGPU-Sim and GPUWattch configuration files.
* *results*
Folder containing the graphs as they appear in the
article plus more detailed graphs. It also contains
a processed database extracted from simulation data.
* *simulation_data*
The raw simulation output from GPGPU-Sim and GPUWattch.
* *process.r*
An R-script to process the raw simulation data and
output a database in CSV format (in results folder).
* *graph.r*
An R-script to generate plots based on the database
generated by the process.r script.
This file.